What's Bamboo Charcoal? (benefit and making, kiln, uses)

About Bamboo Charcoal
About Bamboo Charcoal. Bamboo Charcoal is carbonized bamboo. Bamboo Charcoal is superior to mineral supplementation and dehumidification. So, people are supported by the Bamboo Charcoal in a variety of life scenes. Bamboo Charcoal sold in Taketora is safe and secure so that baked the Japanese Moso Bamboo in Shikoku. Taketora will introduce the Bamboo Charcoal benefit, making and kiln and uses.

1.Easy to replenish natural minerals!
One gram of Bamboo Charcoal has three to five times the surface area of Bincho charcoal! The surface area of one gram of Bamboo Charcoal is three to five times that of Bincho charcoal! The pores contain an abundance of natural minerals such as calcium, potassium, sodium, and iron that the bamboo absorbs from the ground in a well-balanced form that is easily dissolved in water. Because it is rich in minerals that cannot be produced by the body, it has long been said to regulate the body's physical condition.
2. Deodorizes unpleasant smells of tap water and rice!
In addition, the fine pores in Bamboo Charcoal adsorb and deodorize odors and impurities of concern. This removes the smell of chalky or moldy tap water, and in the case of cooked rice, it removes the smell of leftover rice.
【Made in Japan】Bamboo Charcoal Production and Commitment

Pesticide-free, Shikoku-grown Moso Bamboo
TAKETORA's Bamboo Charcoal is made from Moso Bamboo produced in Kochi and Shikoku prefectures and baked by skilled Bamboo Charcoal craftsmen in a special Bamboo Charcoal kiln that has been improved from a traditional earthen kiln. No chemicals, pesticides, or chemical fertilizers are used on the high-quality domestic Moso Bamboo used as raw materials, from the bamboo shoots to the parent bamboo, all the way through to the felling of the trees. We insist on domestically produced, made in Japan, and pesticide-free bamboo in order to provide safe and secure Bamboo Charcoal to our customers.

Why "Earthen Kiln"?
The quality of Bamboo Charcoal varies considerably depending on the nature of the raw bamboo material (bamboo variety and production area), the thermal processing process (carbonization method and kiln type), and the maximum temperature at which the material is thermally processed (carbonization temperature range). Among these, kiln type is one of the most important factors in determining the quality of Bamboo Charcoal. In addition to earthen kilns, other types of kilns include dry distillation kilns, fluidized bed kilns, kiln kilns, refractory brick kilns, and mobile carbonization kilns. There is also a wide variety of iron kilns, ranging from industrial carbonizing kilns to stainless steel kilns and simple kilns using drums.
The highest quality Bamboo Charcoal is only fired in earthen kilns.
However, after visiting various charcoal kilns and talking with many charcoal makers, we have come to the conclusion that the highest quality Bamboo Charcoal can only be made in earthen kilns. Compared to iron kilns, where even inexperienced charcoal makers can produce charcoal of relatively stable quality, Bamboo Charcoal made in earthen kilns requires a high level of skill and experience. Although modern science, such as temperature sensors, is used to interact with the kiln, it is the skill of the craftsman that is the final factor. Every time I visit the kiln, I am amazed at the depth of wisdom passed down from the ancients and the craftsmanship that can be seen everywhere.

Kiln Firing (Kiln Erection)
Bamboo materials are split and dried naturally for about 3 months to adjust the moisture content in order to eliminate variations in the degree of carbonization. Kiln insertion work is carefully packed one bundle at a time from the back of the kiln. I was convinced when I heard that it is also called "Kiln Dating". Even in this simple process, the skills of the Bamboo Charcoal craftsman are hidden, backed up by experience, in order to produce high quality charcoal.
Smoked Heat Treatment
Bamboo has differences in specific gravity between the outer and inner bark, as well as differences in moisture content in the vertical direction. If these differences are not made uniform, twists and cracks will occur during the charcoal making process. Smoke heat treatment is a very important process to make the raw bamboo material as homogeneous as possible before burning the Bamboo Charcoal, and it is truly a craftsman's art to achieve a moisture content of around 15%, which is said to be the ideal charcoal material, in a kiln at a temperature of nearly 200℃. This process takes 3 to 5 days depending on the condition of the bamboo material. After the smoking and heat treatment, fire-quenching is the most important process, along with the final refining process. This process requires delicate adjustments depending on the charcoal material, kiln conditions, season, and weather conditions, and involves staying in the kiln for 24 hours a day.

800 to 900 Degrees Celsius
The properties of Bamboo Charcoal vary greatly depending on the temperature at which it is fired in an earthen kiln. While most Bamboo Charcoal for humidity control is fired at low temperatures, edible Bamboo Charcoal must be fired at temperatures of 800°C or higher. Bamboo Charcoal baked at low temperatures cannot be expected to have the detoxifying and mineral-supplementing effects that are unique to Bamboo Charcoal.

Scouring (Nerashi)
Bamboo Charcoal is fired over a long period of time from the time it is placed in the kiln, but the timing of refining, the most important step, relies on many years of experience. The kiln is kept at a temperature of nearly 1,000 degrees Celsius for about four hours, and this is where the quality of the Bamboo Charcoal is determined and the craftsmanship is on display.

Highest Numerical Refining Degree
Rapid carbonization produces light, soft charcoal, but the steam in the kiln suppresses rapid carbonization. Earthen kilns are still outstanding in terms of reflected heat and metal ions. The degree of refinement, which is a proof of quality of Bamboo Charcoal fired in an earthen kiln, is measured, and naturally, it is the highest! Earthen kiln and degree of refinement are the two features that make Bamboo Charcoal of the highest rank domestically produced (made in Japan).
Bamboo Charcoal Grain
Bamboo Charcoal grains of various sizes are sorted through a sorting machine with different sized holes.

Unlimited Bamboo Resources
The history of Moso Bamboo is rather short, and it was introduced from China in the middle of the Edo period (1603-1867). It is said that it was first transplanted from Kagoshima or Kyoto, but its thickness and length made it highly prized for various effective uses (especially for food), and its vigorous vitality quickly spread throughout Japan, making it seem as if it were a native species. It is said that "a bamboo shoot becomes a bamboo in 10 days! It takes only three months to grow to the same size as the parent bamboo. The tremendous speed of growth and the rapid cycle of annual growth make it a unique and sustainable natural resource, unmatched by any other wood or other material. In these days of environmental concerns, Bamboo Charcoal made from Moso Bamboo is attracting attention from an ecological perspective. Bamboo materials are split and dried naturally for about 3 months to adjust the moisture content of the bamboo material in order to eliminate variations in the degree of carbonization.
Cooking with Bamboo Charcoal

Bamboo Charcoal Mineral Water
Bamboo Charcoal mineral water. The Japanese rely most of the drinking water to tap water. On the other hand, is the water pollution of water sources is a serious problem. So, tap water will use a large amount of chlorine to the sterilization and disinfection. As a result, water is smelly and taste is bad. Bamboo Charcoal will remove most of the chlorine smell and chlorine, a musty odor and impurities of tap water.※Before use the Bamboo Charcoal.Bamboo Charcoal should be off the dirt and powder of charcoal with a wash. Bamboo Charcoal should wash only with water, please do not use detergent. At that time, please keep in mind that it might be injured in the sharp edges of Bamboo Charcoal.
Bamboo Charcoal Water Filter >>>
Bamboo Charcoal Sticks for Bottles(10 pieces) >>>

Bamboo Charcoal Powder
Do you know the Bamboo Charcoal powder? Bamboo Charcoal powder is tasteless and odorless food additives that were finely ground Bamboo Charcoal. You might be surprised with the "eat coal!?" But, Bamboo Charcoal baked at a high temperature is safe and secure! In recent years, detox effect of Bamboo Charcoal has attracted attention from many countries. Therefore, it has been popular as additive-free foods that are essential to the cuisine.
Recipes using Bamboo Charcoal powder written in Japanese >>>
【Trial】 Bamboo Charcoal powder(15 microns)80g >>>
Alkaline Hot Spring at Home
Alkaline hot spring at home. Using Bamboo Charcoal as bath salts, Minerals dissolved in hot water, and hot water will be alkaline. It will remove the chlorine and the dross in the bath. And Bamboo Charcoal of minerals (calcium, magnesium) is Melting. Therefore, you'll get a beautiful skin.
Bath goods feature written in Japanese >>>

Bamboo Charcoal Air Freshener
The Bamboo Charcoal have many small holes. The hole is to adsorb the odor substances and moisture in the air. Exert a deodorant humidity effect. Bamboo Charcoal look good in bamboo baskets. Please enjoy put the Bamboo Charcoal to your favorite bamboo basket. We recommend that you put the Bamboo Charcoal in dining and guest room or the side of the pet. In particular, please use put in a smells closet and toilet and cupboard. Bamboo Charcoal is also the interior goods.
Winter deodorant feature written in Japanese >>>

For Sleeping and Health
Sleep is the basic of health. The Bamboo Charcoal has the effect of relaxing the people. You will sleep soundly until morning.
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